Tag Archives: coverage

Does Condo Insurance Cover Theft?

Condo insurance

Condo insurance covers certain parts of a condominium unit. This type of insurance works together with a policy purchased by the condo’s management, usually called HOA insurance or a master policy. If you own a condo or townhouse, then you may need to consider purchasing a condo policy. Mortgage lenders may also require you to […]

Who Can I Put on My Auto Insurance Policy?

adding someone to an insurance policy

Generally, the people listed on an auto insurance policy must be the owner or people related to the owner. You may also be allowed to add another party to your policy if you live at the same address. For example, if you have a roommate who doesn’t own a car, you can add them to […]

What Does Flood Insurance Not Cover?

Homeowners go to great lengths to ensure their homes are well protected, but what about protecting your property from the devasting effects of flooding? Flooding is the most expensive and common natural disaster in the country, costing homeowners thousands of dollars. Since homes are a major investment for most homeowners, it can be imperative to […]