No one is perfect, which is why you probably already own a couple of insurance coverages to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. But beyond the standard life insurance, homeowners/renter’s insurance, or auto insurance policy, you may have disregarded a vital and affordable type of insurance policy – the “Umbrella Insurance.” This […]
Category Archives: Umbrella Insurance
Home insurance protects you from accidents such as fire and theft. It also covers some legal expenses if someone is hurt on your property, or you damage someone else’s. Similarly, your basic auto insurance policy will cover personal and other’s injuries and property damage. But if this article is about umbrella policies, why are we […]
Umbrella policies are also called excess liability policies. Our personal umbrella policies are here to protect you from liability. It extends the limits of your auto, home, or boat policies to provide extra liability protection. Personal umbrella policies also cover your defense costs and lawyer fees in the event you get named in a lawsuit. […]